A Day in the Life of a Student – Initial Ideas

We met up about a week ago to make decisions about our soundscape. We decided that we would base our soundscape on an average day in the life of a student. This meant we had to take into account different parts of the day, such as waking up, getting ready,  going to lectures and getting home. We very quickly decided on ideas of sounds to record and agreed that we needed some form of rhythm to keep the soundscape flowing. This beat is likely to be a combination of a zip with a with an echo and also footsteps. We also thought it would be good to include the idea that the subjective person in the soundscape is temporarily listening to music through earphones whilst walking. We aim to do this by using a non-copyrighted piece of music which we will manipulate to sound as though the earphones are being inserted into and removed from their ears. This  will be achieved by adding a filter to cut off certain frequencies at different times. This will stop when the sound of the present crowd outside the lecture theatre overpowers the sound of the earphones being moved away from the person’s ears.

We’ve created a presentation which we feel explains the idea of our soundscape well, as well as proposing some of the sounds that we will use in the process of making the soundscape. It also gives an outline of recording locations, production tools and techniques, structure and our target audience that we are aiming to reach.

By George Burrows and Ben Hollick.

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