George’s Reflective Summary

Looking back on the project, I’d have to say the planning process came to be quite productive. It wasn’t much longer at all after thinking of the topic and genre that we though of the sounds we’d record and gradually built on our lost of ideas for good sounds to record and what we could do with them. There were points at which we were considering effects and EQ we could put into practise before we’d even thought of all the sounds we’d use. Once we’d listed all of the appropriate sounds we aimed to record however (after we’d presented our idea), that was when we had a more in-depth discussion about the mix and EQ.

The recording process came to be efficient in most respects. Ben and I felt that the equipment could definitely have been more reliable, however. Although there were times when the battery didn’t last long in the Marantz audio recorders no matter what we did or it simply corrupted single previously recorded samples mid-recording, we managed to get by and obtain the sounds we aimed to record. The process took longer than we’d intended because of this but it didn’t obstruct us to the point of not achieving our aims at all, only temporarily.

The recording process came to be a lot quicker than we’d originally intended. When Ben and I met in the studio for a few hours on Saturday 13th Dec, we managed to assemble the majority of the project itself. We had more than one issue, to do with not knowing how to automate certain sounds. At the time, we planned to come in with a solution the following day. Ben saved time however, by showing up with the problem already solved. From there on, all there was left to do was finish EQing the sounds and to complete the running order which I did after we met.

While working in a group of three, I felt there was a definite imbalance of contribution between us all when it came to the amount of effort put into completely the project and also taking it seriously. I feel my attitude and effort personally had been average but there was definitely room for improvement. From this project however, I feel I’ve learned that equal contribution should be apparent at all times and that there’s plenty of enjoyment involved as long as the mood is good, which relies on group members helping out equally.

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